Yesterday, I took my blood pressure just because a blood pressure cuff was nearby.My blood pressure was 160/98. “Holy Sh$t!.. way too high”
(The AmericanCollege of Cardiology and the American Heart Association state that a normal systolic BP should be <120 mmHg and a normal diastolic BP should be <80 mmHg.)
But, I felt fine. I consider myself healthy - or so I thought. Yes, there is stress in my life.. but this blood pressure is undeniably too high. As a Black woman with a family history of high blood pressure, I know I am at risk. Time to make changes. I’m starting by eliminating salt.
“..the number one killer of Blacks is table salt.”
Dave Chappelle
As a trusted authority in women's health, it's important to address the issue of salt intake and its effects on the Black female community. Consuming too much salt can lead to high blood
pressure and other health complications. Unfortunately, many Black females are at higher risk for these issues due to cultural and societal factors.
It’s important to know the dangers of excess salt intake and provide practical solutions for reducing your salt intake. This can include avoiding ultra-processed, pre-packaged and fast foods. Cook. Cook with less salt using other seasonings and/or lemon juice. Cook using more fresh fruits and vegetables. Your “taste” for salt will lessen.