The Divas open up regarding their relationships, sex and life as Alpha-Females. The honesty is raw.
As expected the Divas had a lot to say about working with black men, difficulties between younger and older black women, and what you need to do in the work environment… Special tribune given. Stay tuned for the bonus segment
The Divas are back! These are professional Black women with years of work experience. They open up about working while Black. They candidly share their opinions touching on sensitive topics such as availability of sponsorship...
Meet Brannon Johnson! - an accomplished athlete and the creator of the first rowing club for African Americans in this country
Part two of our conversation with the Reproductive Health Alchemist, Valerie THIS IS PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEN...
Dissatisfied and still symptomatic with her fibroids, hear her story.. Black Women’s Health is opening up our conversations about health and healing for critical review and discussion. We advise every women to do her own due ...
Unexpected, life altering change and finding the strength to re-group and to keep moving forward. Witness the beauty and the tenacity of the human spirit
Learn more about self care from Ms Katara McCarty, creator of the app EXHALE. “Stressed-out” doesn’t have to be your default state of being
What is unforgivable? Can you share the details of your sex life? What happens to the friendship when a girlfriend gets married/ has children? Is there less of a desire to make new friends as we get older? Listen to what they...
The US Surgeon General says loneliness is bad for your health. It’s reported that 1/2 of the adults in the USA report being lonely and not having many friends. Today we look at girlfriend dynamics among three black women.
Are there risks that could impact menopause? Ask Dr. Rahman.
We will each have a choice. Either we can be passive and react to the life altering changes associated with AI or we can chose to be aware and be an active participant. Meet an active participant. What will you chose?
What is it? Will it affect our day to day? Is AI (artificial intelligence) being used in healthcare? Helping us to better understand, we have a special guest: Tamunoibim Sambo
‘Who you are is non-negotiable. If you can’t be who you are, where you are - then change where you are and not who you are” ~ Caroline Wanga, President Essence Ventures
What is more prevalent than obesity in the US? Answer: social isolation and loneliness. Hear about the recent report issued by the US Surgeon General “ Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation”
It all began with what she witnessed as a young adult.. What she learned, what she started would later help to save her life. Listen to her story..
Full transparency: Medical issues remain, but she’s empowered. She’s found her path to healing.. Maybe healing involves more that physical, maybe healing is possible for all of us.